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Dear colleagues,

We, the undersigned employees of Kidspace Children’s Museum, are joining together to form a union as Kidspace United through AFSCME Council 36. As staff, we play an instrumental role in upholding our institution’s mission to serve the needs and interests of children and families through early and accessible education. In order to provide the best services possible for future generations and cultivate an environment that centers the power of joy, we assert that staff must also be taken care of and included as valuable members of the museum’s community.

Since teachers' working conditions are children’s learning conditions, as Kidspace United, we are advocating for:

  • Creating a livable wage that matches living expenses
  • Opportunities to use our diverse wealth of talent and create pathways for advancement that will help us retain talented staff and preserve institutional and cultural knowledge
  • Clearly defined job responsibilities with appropriate workloads
  • Sufficient consistent training and support to ensure staff are successful
  • Greater transparency and a voice in decisions that impact our work at the museum

By working together and building a strong collective voice, we aim to make Kidspace Children’s Museum a better institution for us and all of Pasadena. The sky’s the limit.

Click here to join us!

In Solidarity,

Kidspace United Organizing Committee

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